Friday, June 5, 2009

Tunisia Art

Tunisia is filled with all different types of art. There are about 50 art galleries in Tunisia. In 1962 the Carthage international film festival occurs every two years was created. In 1970 the Federation of African Film Directors was born in Tunisia. They have all different kinds of genres which inclide social exposes, action, and drama. Star Wars and the English Patient were recently filmed in Tunisia.

Welcome to Tunisia Online, your digital gateway to news and information on Tunisia. 05 June 2009 .
Tunisian Dances

Thursday, June 4, 2009

$250 Million Dollar Loan

After an agreement made by "The World Bank's Board of executive directors" Tunisia was granted a $250 million dollar loan on April 3, 2009. This was lent to Tunisia to help increase the mixture and the competition of Tunisia’s economy. This was planned as a way to build Tunisia’s economy by creating more job opportunities and incorporating Tunisians economy into the market.

Because the “African Development Bank” and the “European Development Bank” finically supported this the loan should therefore the costs of trade transactions should reduce which will increase Tunisia’s “global economic integration”. Tunisia is in a budget deficit so this loan will hopefully stabilize the economic state. Mr. Mohamed Nouri Jouini, the Development and International Cooperation Minister and Mr. Mats Karlsson, the International Cooperation Minister signed this agreement.

" Tunisia: Country Receives $250 Million Loan from World Bank to Boost Economic Competitiveness (Page 1 of 1)." Home. 05 June 2009 .

Rulers Timeline

Prime ministers
May 1922 - 20 Oct 1926- Mustapha Dinguizli
3 Nov 1926 - 2 Mar 1932 - Khalil Bouhajib
2 Mar 1932 - 31 Dec 1942 -Hedi Lakhoua
1 Jan 1943 - 15 May 1943 -M'Hamed Chenik
15 May 1943 - 21 Jul 1947 -Slaheddine Baccouche
21 Jul 1947 - 17 Aug 1950 -Mustapha Kaak
17 Aug 1950 - 26 Mar 1952 -M'Hamed Chenik
12 Apr 1952 - 2 Mar 1954 -Slaheddine Baccouche
2 Mar 1954 - 6 Jul 1954 - Mohamed Salah Mzali
6 Jul 1954 - 7 Aug 1954 - Georges Dupoizat
7 Aug 1954 - 11 Apr 1956 - Tahar Ben Ammar
11 Apr 1956 - 25 Jul 1957 - Habib Bourguiba
19 Oct 1969 - 2 Nov 1970 - Bahi Ladgham
2 Nov 1970 - 23 Apr 1980 -Hedi Nouira
23 Apr 1980 - 8 Jul 1986 - Mohamed Mzali
8 Jul 1986 - 2 Oct 1987 - Rachid Sfar
2 Oct 1987 - 7 Nov 1987 - Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
7 Nov 1987 - 27 Sep 1989 - Hedi Baccouche
27 Sep 1989 - 17 Nov 1999 - Hamed Karoui
17 Nov 1999 - Mohamed Ghannouchi

25 Jul 1957 - 7 Nov 1987 - Habib Bourguiba
7 Nov 1987 - Zine El Abidine Ben Ali

Tunisia became independent from France in 1956.

"Tunisia." World 04 June 2009 .

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tunisia and World War I

The Ottoman Empire collapsed and France took control over West African countries like Tunisia and Algeria. After World War I, in 1956 Tunisia was able to finally get the Frech to recognize them as their own independent state. All of the French territoy was weakened by the war and the economic costs were tremendous.

Smith, Dan. The State of the Middle East. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: University of California P, 2008.

"Tunisia - History of Tunisia Dictionary of Contemporary World History." Encyclopedia - Online Dictionary Get facts, articles, pictures, video. 02 June 2009 .

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tunisia 1258-1922

Tunisia Boundaries
Bodies of water bordering Tunisia are the Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Gabes, Golfede, Hammamet, Gulf of Tunis and the Strait of Sicily. The nations that border Tunisia are Algeria which is on the western side and Libya which is on the southeastern side.

Tunisia has 24 Governorates to run different districts for administrative purposes. The boundaries are shown on the map and include "Beja (Bajah), Ariana (Aryanah), Bizerte (Banzart), Ben Arous (Bin 'Arus), Gafsa (Qafsah), Gabes (Qabis), Kairouan (Al Qayrawan), Jendouba (Jundubah), Kebili (Qibili), Kasserine (Al Qasrayn), Mahdia (Al Mahdiyah), Kef (Al Kaf), Medenine (Madanin), Manouba (Manubah), Monastir, Nabeul (Nabul), (Al Munastir), Sidi Bou Zid (Sidi Bu Zayd), Sfax (Safaqis), Sousse (Susah), Siliana (Silyanah), Tozeur (Tawzar), Tataouine (Tatawin), Zaghouan (Zaghwan) and Tunis".

"Tunisia Political Map." World Map, Map of the World. 01 June 2009 .

  • Between the time of 1230-1574 "the Hafsids break away from Almohads". In Tunis they then create a new dynasty.

  • Tunisia breaks away and becomes a part of the Ottoman Empire in 1574.

  • Between 1705-1881 they create the Husseinite Dynasty.

  • Between 1881-1956 the "French Protectorate (established 12 May 1881). Anti-colonial resistance, led mostly by the Neo-Destour party, persisted for most of the 75 years of French domination."

  • In 1920 they created the "Foundation of the Liberal Constitutional Party (Destour) by

  • Tunisian nationalists".

Welcome to Tunisia Online, your digital gateway to news and information on Tunisia. 01 June 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tunisia Empire

In the 600s the Arabs conquer the present day Tunisia Territory. In 909 the Berbers take over the region Tunisia from the Arabs. Modern day Tunisia was once the home of the Fatimids named after Ali's wife and Muhammads daughter Fatima. The Fatimids conquered the Abbasid and in 969 build up their new capital in Cairo in 973. Soon after the Fatimids would rule all of Tunisia to Syria. "Syria, Algeria and Tunisia were lost to a series of viziers in 1043-1048."

"Age of Empires III: The Age of Crusades - ALPHA VERSION RELEASED! - Age of Empires III Heaven Forum." Home Page - Age of Empires III Heaven. 31 May 2009 .

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Architectural Wonders

Great Mosque of Kairouan
Medenine which is abandon in Carthage, Tunisia.

Dougga which is abandoned in Carthage, Tunisia.

Architectural wonders in Tunisia are the Great Mosque of Kairouan which is in Kairouan, Tunisia. It was founded in 670 and is a religous building.
Dougga is made up of Roman historical ruins. This place had local people living there until the 1950's but were then asked to leave because it was rapidly decaying.

The Great Mosque of Al-Zaytuna is located in the center of the old city Medina in Tunis. It covers an area of 5,000 square meters and has 9 entrances.

"Google Image Result for" Google Image Search. 28 May 2009 .
"Places to go, Dougga, Tunisia." Welcome to the travel and tourism guide to Tunisia. 03 June 2009 .